Published 30th June 2021

Reflective Citizens UK – First Workshop

Community Organisers were delighted to take part in the co-organising and delivery of the very first meeting of Reflective Citizens UK (RCUK), on June 12th, 2021.

Reflective Citizens UK is an initiative of Dr. Marina Mojovic of Reflective Citizens Koinonia (RCK) and Professor aladin aladin of The Social Capital.

The Reflective Citizens UK Workshop

The Reflective Citizens UK workshop applied the unique ‘Reflective Citizens Method’ of creating reflective spaces ‘with and for’ citizens.  The spaces are inclusive of everyone regardless of background, nationality, social-political history, ethnicity, gender, class, age, or profession.

The workshop took place over 4 hours and combined large and small group work. Starting with ‘Social Dreaming’, the experience develops into spaces where all participants can discover connections with each other.

Over 70 people signed up for the inaugural Reflective Citizens UK workshop.

"I appreciated the variety of participatory opportunities through the four hours and that the time was focused on who we were and where we were then."
Reflective Citizens UK, Participant

Reflective Citizens Koinonia

The history of the Reflective Citizens Method started with work carried out by informal citizen-led groups in Serbia during the ‘horrible nineties’. This grassroots approach became extremely adaptable. Often working within very traumatised communities.

Reflective Citizens Koinonia is a community of local Communities. They all use the methodology of the Reflective Citizens training. Using the same methodology across all of these communities, helps them to co-operate with each other.

Koinonia refers to concepts such as fellowship, joint participation, the share which one has in anything, a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution.

Bringing RC Koinonia to an international audience has been a long journey. Reflective Citizens Koinonia was excited to bring the new stages of the Reflective Citizens Method to the United Kingdom for the first time.

Note: Activities of Reflective Citizens UK are voluntary and free of charge.

"The unique Reflective Citizens facilitation, programme structure, and content were exceptional."
Reflective Citizens UK, Participant

Will Reflective Citizens UK Meet Again?

Yes. We want to hold Reflective Citizens UK workshops 4 times a year. Please contact David Symes to show an interest in joining the next RCUK event.


Feedback from the RCUK Workshop

Did the session meet your expectations?

How would you rate the session?

Would you recommend Reflective Citizens UK to others?

Who took part in the delivery of Reflective Citizens UK?


Marina Mojović (Founder, Reflective Citizens Koinonia)

Professor aladin aladin (Founder, The Social Capital)



Angela Eden, Stefan Cerovina, Dragana Dragojević, Sanja Jokić, James Krantz, Richard Morgan Jones, Jasmina Knežević Tasić.

The management team from Reflective Citizens Koinonia:

Marija Kamatović and Pavle Milošević.


David Symes (National Member Organiser, Community Organisers UK

The team from The Social Capital and Community Organisers:

Ashley Gray, Sorabh Gupta, Naresh Kaushal, Prem Krishnamurthy, Joe McNulty, Maral Pourkazemi, Katherine Schofield, Rebecca Swift, Steven Vuong, Chris Walker.

Framework Focus

Learn more about community organising and our Community Organising Framework through our self-directed online learning series called 'Framework Focus'. The course consists of over 7 hours of learning split across 70 videos and the first module on 'Reach' is free!

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