
IntoBodmin is a Community Interest Company with a vision to “to revitalise Bodmin through celebrating culture and empowering communities”.

Lockdown offered them time to think, reflect and evaluate how they have delivered against the initial goals set out by the organisation. During this reflection, they carried out a listening project to hear what the needs of the community are now and in the future.

They looked at identifying the existing public perception of intoBodmin, and explored the potential for a more community-based organisation which does not just champion inclusivity, but holds active collaboration with the community at its core.

As part of their long-term strategy for developing infrastructure and community capacity, they became a Social Action Hub and now believe intoBodmin is like a garden: growing beautiful produce (delivery), and putting down roots with communities, audiences, and partners to develop sustainability.

Find out more HERE

Three Pillars of Community Organising

Good community organising practice is built upon high quality training, experienced mentoring and support and, of course, putting the learning in to practice.
That's why our core work at Community Organisers is built around 'Training', 'Support' and 'Action'.

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